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Lakeview Village Masterplan

The theoretical demands that drove the design process focused on the definition of Lakeview Village’s function as a community corner that emphasizes the splendour of the Okanagan experience by providing pedestrian access to a diverse array of services and amenities. The site itself is considered by the City of West Kelowna’s Official Community Plan (OCP) as an important Neighbourhood Centre for the Lakeview Heights area, which marks it as an accessible point for the majority of the surrounding community in terms of placement of services, amenities and densification. The OCP guidelines are structured so that the future growth of West Kelowna is geared towards walk-ability and compact, mixed use centers. The rational behind our plan for the comprehensive development of the Anders site reflects and supports the City’s intentions to create sustainable opportunities for development, and we believe it fits as an appropriate answer to the future demands of population growth and to the desire to maintain the signature agricultural character of West Kelowna.


View the Project Proposal Summary here.

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